Officer Training of Inter-regional Trade Survei (PAW) and The Distribution Pattern of Trade 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

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Officer Training of Inter-regional Trade Survei (PAW) and The Distribution Pattern of Trade 2017

Officer Training of Inter-regional Trade Survei (PAW) and The Distribution Pattern of Trade 2017

March 27, 2017 | BPS Activities

The pattern of current commodity distribution, suspected to be problematic, it is evident from the high price disparity between the prices at the producer level with consumer prices, and the availability of goods is insufficient when it is needed, especially in big cities. In addition to the lack of availability of alternative options, a sense of satisfaction not evenly distributed between producers, institutions of trade (in business administration), and consumers have also become a problem in the distribution of goods. Trade between regions is also very necessary to know the needs and capabilities of each region in meeting the food needs in the region. It relates also to the need to know how much the consumption / demand for basic materials for each region. The purpose of conducting Officer Training of PAW and Poldis Survey 2017 is to provide explanations and give the same understanding of data collection activities for the participants who will be a field officer of PAW and Poldis Survey 2017. The Training was held for 3 (three) effective today, was attended by 31 participants from 11 regencies / cities that are divided into two (2) classes and each class will be trained by the National Instructor. Training was conducted on 27-31 March 2017 at the Putra Mulia Hotel, Medan.
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