Joint Harvesting Cultivation of Good Agricultural Practices Rice Clusters Assisted by BI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

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Joint Harvesting Cultivation of Good Agricultural Practices Rice Clusters Assisted by BI

Joint Harvesting Cultivation of Good Agricultural Practices Rice Clusters Assisted by BI

February 10, 2023 | BPS Activities

Serdang Bedagai, 10 February 2023. Representatives of BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province attended the Joint Harvest event with the theme Good Agricultural Practices Rice (Organic and Non-Organic) Fostered Clusters of Bank Indonesia Representative Office Sumatera Utara Province Gapoktan Harapan, Serdang Bedagai Regency. In order to support the National Movement for Food Inflation Control (GNPIP), Bank Indonesia Representative Office for Sumatera Utara Province in collaboration with the Agricultural Technology Assessment Center (BPTP) and expert farmers carried out Demonstration Plots of Good Agriculture Practices rice cultivation in the cluster assisted by Gapoktan HFor Gurapan, Serdang Bedagai Regency . The cluster will enter the harvest season starting the 2nd week of February 2023.

The series of Collective Harvest activities starts at 8.30 WIB for preparation and registration and then continues with the opening. Next is the report from the Chairperson of Gapoktan Harapan, Pematang Pelintahan Village, Kec. Sei Rampah regarding programs that have been implemented. This event was also attended by the Regent of Serdang Bedagai, Mr. Darma Wijaya, who delivered his remarks. The Governor of Sumatera Utara Province was represented by Mr. Arief as the Regional Secretary of Sumatera Utara Province to convey the Governor's directions. The Head of BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province was represented by the Head of BPS-Statistics of Serdang Bedagai Regency, Mr. Marine Sohadi Angkat.

Entering the main session, namely Harvest Together, which was attended by all participants and invited guests in an orderly and smooth manner. The session continued with group photos and closed with lunch together until 11.00 WIB.

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