Mail management application upgrades - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

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Mail management application upgrades

Mail management application upgrades

June 21, 2023 | Other Activities

Medan, 21 June 2023. BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province continues the knowledge sharing series packaged in Wednesday Get Opportunity (We-GO). Today's We-GO was held at 08.00 WIB in the 5th floor hall of BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province in a hybrid manner, namely BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province employees could attend offline at the office, while Regency/City BPS employees throughout Sumatera Utara could participate via the zoom application. meetings or youtube. The topic discussed in We-GO today is related to the internal correspondence application belonging to BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province. This time the We-GO resource person was brought by Mr. Rizky Andrian as the First Expert Computer Officer at BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province. In his delivery, for now there are many works and innovations that can support the quality of work, one of which is the Simple Correspondence Application (ASAMURAT). ASAMURAT is an application for managing internal mail for BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province, from taking letter numbers to archiving letters both out of the office and in the office. This application has undergone several changes according to agency policies, namely related to the type of letter interests, for example for training with DL code, public relations with HM code and so on. For this reason, with this socialization at We-GO, employees have become more skilled in using the internal correspondence application at the BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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