July 3, 2023 | Other Activities
Medan, 3 July 2023. BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province held a Workshop on Increasing Understanding of 2023 Regional Balance Measurement at the Cambridge Hotel, Medan. This workshop was opened at 08.00 WIB by Mr. Pendi Dewanto as Head of the Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis Team for BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province. This activity was held for three effective days, from 3-5 July 2023. This workshop was attended by employees from 31 Regency/City BPS work units in Sumatera Utara Province and 16 employees of BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province. The event was also attended by Mr. Ganda Sibarani who represented BAPELLITBANG of Sumatera Utara Province and Ms. Dwi Muslianti from the Directorate of Production Balance of BPS-Statistics of Republic of Indonesia and Mrs. Agnes Vera Yanti from the Directorate of Expenditure Balance of BPS-Statistics of Republic of Indonesia.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province)
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