IPS of Sumatera Utara Province Coordination - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

BPS Integrated Statistics Service for North Sumatra Province on Jl. Asrama no. 179, Medan, 20123, email pst1200@bps.go.id with the subject Data Request

IPS of Sumatera Utara Province Coordination

IPS of Sumatera Utara Province Coordination

January 15, 2024 | Other Activities

Medan, January 15 2024. The North Sumatra Province BPS Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation Team (EPSS) was invited to a meeting to discuss the value of the 2023 North Sumatra Province Statistical Development Index (IPS). BAPPELITBANG. The meeting was also attended by DISKOMINFO and DINKES of North Sumatra Province which act as agencies appointed in the 2023 EPSS assessment. In this meeting, Mrs. Masta Juwita Gurning as the BPS Middle Expert Statistician for North Sumatra Province gave an explanation regarding the interpretation of the IPS score for North Sumatra Province of 1, 5 regarding advantages and disadvantages. An agreement was obtained on a follow-up plan in order to increase sectoral statistical coordination to improve the quality of statistical activities in North Sumatra Province.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province)

Jl. Asrama No. 179 Medan 20123 Indonesia

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Mailbox : pst1200@bps.go.id





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