January 19, 2024 | Other Activities
Friday, January 19 2024, North Sumatra Province BPS held the inauguration of the Team Leader and Signatories of the Joint Commitment of ASN BPS North Sumatra Province in the Development of an Integrity Zone towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) at 14.00 WIB. This activity was carried out in the hall on the 5th floor of BPS North Sumatra Province on Jl. Dormitory No. 179, Medan. The North Sumatra Province BPS employees who were confirmed as Team Leaders in the North Sumatra Province BPS work unit are:
1. Drs. Misfaruddin, M.Sc. as Head of the Quality Assurance and Risk Management Team
2. Rahmad Gustiar, S.Si, M.Si, as Head of General Affairs
3. Azantaro, SE, M.Si, as Head of the Social Statistics Team
4. Nizaruddin, SST, M.Si, as Head of the Production Statistics Team
5. Laila Syafrita Siregar, SST, MM. As Head of the Distribution and Services Statistics Team
6. Pendi Dewanto, SST, M.Sc, as Head of the Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis Team
7. Fadjar Wahyu Tridjono, S.Si, M.M. as Head of the Methodology and Statistical Information Team
8. Joel Roy Wargain-angin, SST as Head of the Data Processing Team
9. Dedi Kintoro, SST, M.Si, as Head of the Network and IT Team
10. Dadan Supriadi, SST, M.Si, as Chair of the Change Management and Bureaucratic Reform Team.
11. Ir. Masta Juwita Gurning, MM as Chair of the One Data Indonesia (SDI) Team and Main Performance Achievements
12. Francisca Wenny Astriani Widya Sari, SST, M.I.Kom as Head of the Statistical Dissemination and Services Team
13. Rita Herawaty Br Bangun as Head of the Census and Field Management Team/Partners
14. Muhammad Dani Iskandar, SE, M.Sc. as Chair of the Sectoral Statistics Development Team
The inauguration of the Team Leader at BPS North Sumatra Province was led by Mr. Nurul Hasanudin, SST, M.Stat as Head of BPS North Sumatra Province. After the inauguration ceremony for the team leader, it was continued with the signing of a joint commitment to ASN BPS North Sumatra Province in the Development of an Integrits Zone towards a Corruption Free Area (WBK) which was started by the Head of BPS North Sumatra Province then followed by all team leaders and all BPS employees of North Sumatra Province.
#have morals
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