The Farmers Exchange Rate of Sumatera Utara Province in June 2018 was 98.19 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

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The Farmers Exchange Rate of Sumatera Utara Province in June 2018 was 98.19

The Farmers Exchange Rate of Sumatera Utara Province in June 2018 was 98.19Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 2, 2018
File Size : 0.6 MB


  • In June 2018, North Sumatra NTP Province (2012 = 100) was recorded at 98.19 or decreased 0.70 percent compared to NTP in May 2018 of 98.88.
  • The decrease of NTP in June 2018 was caused by the decrease of NTP of Food Crop sub-sector by 0,05 percent, NTP of Horticulture Sub-sector by 0,09 percent, NTP of Smallholder Plantation Sub-sector 2,81 percent, and NTP fishery sub-sector by 0,52 percent. While NTP Livestock Subsector rose by 1.62 percent.
  • Changes in Household Consumption Index (IKRT) reflect the rate of rural inflation / deflation. In June 2018, there was a rural deflation in North Sumatra of 0.32 percent. This is due to the decline in the Household consumption index, which is the foodstuff index of 1.18 percent.
  • Agricultural Household Trade Rate (NTUP) of North Sumatera Province June 2018 was 106.73 or decreased 0.97 percent compared to NTUP in the previous month.
  • During June 2018 conducted in 13 districts against 94 observations. Based on the composition, the amount of observation of grain price is still dominated by Harvest Dry Ginger (GKP) as much as 61 observations (64.89%), followed by Dry Giling (GKG) as much as 24 observations (25.53%), and third order is Low Quality Grain 9 observations (9.57%).
  • At the farm level in June 2018, the highest price of Rp6,490.00 per kg came from the CKerang variety of GKG varieties in Deli Serdang Regency. While the lowest price of Rp4.000,00 per kg comes from the Low Quality Grain GL varieties in Langkat Regency.
  • At the milling level in June 2018, the highest price of Rp6,510.00 per kg came from the CKerang variety of GKG varieties in Deli Serdang Regency. While the lowest price worth Rp4.040, 00 per kg comes from the Grain Quality Low GL varieties in Langkat.
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