Farmers' Exchange Rate of Sumatera Utara Province November 2018 amounted to 97.64 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

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Farmers' Exchange Rate of Sumatera Utara Province November 2018 amounted to 97.64

Farmers' Exchange Rate of Sumatera Utara Province November 2018 amounted to 97.64Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 3, 2018
File Size : 0.87 MB


• In November 2018, Sumatera Utara Province's NTP (2012 = 100) was recorded at 97.64 or up 0.34 percent compared to the October 2018 NTP which was 97.31.

• The increase in November 2018 NTP was caused by the increase in Food Crop Subsector NTP by 2.02 percent, Livestock sub-sector NTP by 0.17 percent, and Fisheries sub-sector NTP by 0.39 percent. While the Horticulture sub-sector NTP fell by 1.21 percent, and the People's Plantation Crops Sub-sector NTP fell by 0.26 percent.

• Changes in the Household Consumption Index (SCE) reflect the rural inflation / deflation rate. In November 2018, there was a deflation of rural areas in North Sumatra by 0.19 percent. This was due to the decline in the household consumption index, namely the foodstuffs group index by 0.79 percent, and the education, recreation and sports group index by 0.01 percent. While the four household consumption indexes increased, namely the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group index by 0.40 percent, the housing group index by 0.26 percent, the clothing group index by 0.04 percent, the health group index by 0 , 18 percent, and the transportation and communication group index at 0.41 percent.

• The Exchange Rate of Agricultural Household Businesses (NTUP) of Sumatera Utara Province November 2018 amounted to 106.01 or increased 0.01 percent compared to NTUP the previous month.

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