• In June 2019, all CPI cities in Sumatera Utara were inflation, namely Sibolga at 2.25 percent; Pematangsiantar of 0.91 percent; Medan at 1.68 percent; and Padangsidimpuan by 1.79 percent. Accordingly, the combined 4 CPI cities in Sumatera Utara in June 2019 inflation was 1.63 percent.
• In June 2019, Medan inflation was 1.68 percent or there was an increase in index from 142.53 in May 2019 to 144.92 in June 2019. Inflation occurred because of an increase in prices as indicated by the increase in the index of most expenditure groups, namely foodstuffs group of 6.39 percent; processed foods, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group of 0.43 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group by 0.23 percent; health group by 0.06 percent. Meanwhile, the group that showed a decrease in index was, clothing group by 0.10 percent; the education, recreation and sports group by 0.01 percent and the transportation, communication and financial services group by 0.29 percent.
• The main commodities contributing to inflation during June 2019 in Medan include red chili, cayenne pepper, chicken meat, shallots, green chili, gold jewelery, and mackerel / bloated fish.
• Of the 23 CPI cities in Sumatra Island, only one city recorded deflation, namely Tanjung Pandan by 0.41 percent with CPI of 145.67. The highest inflation occurred in Sibolga at 2.25 percent with CPI of 145.59 and the lowest in Batam by 0.24 percent with CPI of 139.48.