• In May 2020, all CPI cities in Sumatera Utara had inflation, namely Sibolga by 0.17 percent; Pematangsiantar by 0.37 percent; Medan by 0.42 percent; Padangsidimpuan by 0.76 percent; and Gunung Sitoli by 0.37 percent. Thus, the combined 5 CPI cities in Sumatera Utara in May 2020 inflationed 0.43 percent.
• In May 2020, Medan recorded 0.42 percent inflation or an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 102.60 in April 2020 to 103.03 in May 2020. Inflation occurred due to an increase in prices indicated, namely the food, beverage group , and tobacco by 0.77 percent; household appliances, equipment and routine maintenance by 0.12 percent; health group of 0.39 percent; transportation group of 1.58 percent; and the personal care and other services group by 0.15 percent. While other groups did not experience changes in the index.
• The main contributors to inflation during May 2020 in Medan include air transportation, shallots, purebred chicken, tomatoes, dried fish, mustard greens, and carrots.
• Out of 24 CPI cities on Sumatra Island, 22 cities recorded inflation. The highest inflation was in Tanjung Pandan of 1.20 percent with CPI of 104.57 and the lowest in Tanjung Pinang of 0.01 percent with CPI of 102.62.