Producer Price Statistics of Agricultural Sector in Sumatera Utara Province 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

BPS Integrated Statistics Service for North Sumatra Province on Jl. Asrama no. 179, Medan, 20123, email with the subject Data Request

Producer Price Statistics of Agricultural Sector in Sumatera Utara Province 2020

Catalog Number : 7103004.12
Publication Number : 12000.2118
ISSN/ISBN : 2356-1262
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : May 19, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.88 MB


This publication of Agricultural Sector Producer Price Statistics in North Sumatra 2020 is a continuation of the previous publication. This publication presents data on producer prices for several agricultural commodities in the food crop sub-sector, horticulture sub-sector, smallholder plantation sub-sector, livestock sub-sector, and fisheries sub-sector for the period 2020. The data is collected monthly by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) through the Village Price Survey.
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