Gross Regional Domestic Product of Sumatera Utara of Regency/Municipality in Sumatera Utara by Expenditure 2017-2021  - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

BPS Integrated Statistics Service for North Sumatra Province on Jl. Asrama no. 179, Medan, 20123, email with the subject Data Request

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Sumatera Utara of Regency/Municipality in Sumatera Utara by Expenditure 2017-2021 

Catalog Number : 9302023.12
Publication Number : 12000.2239
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : October 3, 2022
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 25.55 MB


The economic growth of a region is a measure of the success of regional development and the level of community welfare in the region. Economic growth is one of the most important indicators in analyzing the economic development that occurs in a region. Economic growth is a derivative of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). This indicator can also be used as a basis for policy formulation in the economic sector. Until now, the calculation of GRDP carried out by the BPS of Sumatera Utara Province through two approaches, namely from the business side (industry) and the expenditure side (expenditure).
This publication of the GRDP of the Province of Sumatera Utara by Expenditures 2017-2021 is an annual publication. This publication specifically discusses GRDP according to the expenditure approach through final consumption activities and real investment. This approach is broken down into several components, namely: Household Final Consumption Expenditure, Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households Final Consumption Expenditure, Government Fnal Consumption Expenditure, Investment (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) and Changes in Inventory, Exports and Imports.
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