Macro Socioeconomic Report Sumatera Utara Province, 4th Quater 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

BPS Integrated Statistics Service for North Sumatra Province on Jl. Asrama no. 179, Medan, 20123, email with the subject Data Request

Macro Socioeconomic Report Sumatera Utara Province, 4th Quater 2023

Catalog Number : 3102032.12
Publication Number : 12000.24009
ISSN/ISBN : 2656-2219
Publishing Frequency : Quaterly
Release Date : March 28, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 14.45 MB


The Publication of Macro Socio Economic Report of Sumatera Utara Province Quarter-IV 2023 is a routine quarterlypublication published by Statistics of Sumatera Utara in the form of an infographic display that aims to be easily understoodby data users.The data and information contained is the latest data on important macro indicators, both economic and social. The statisticaldata in this publication is expected to be useful as complementary material in program planning and formulation, policyformulation and evaluation of the progress of economic and social development that has been achieved in Sumatera Utara.
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