Monday, December 2, 2024, the BPS of North Sumatra Province held an AMOR (Anak Medan mOnday Reaction) activity with the theme Procrastination: Sweet at the Beginning, Complicated at the End.
Procrastination is a form of behavior that is done intentionally and repeatedly to avoid or delay a task. Strategies for overcoming procrastination include:
1. Micro-tasking: Break down large tasks into smaller tasks to make them easier to achieve. The goal is to reduce feelings of overwhelm when facing large tasks. When tasks are broken down, each step feels easier and faster to complete.
2. The "5-Minute" Rule: Start work with a commitment to only work for five minutes. This aims to reduce reluctance to start work. Often, after five minutes, the mood has been built, and work continues without realizing it.
3. Forced action: Forcing yourself to take action that eliminates potential distractions or puts yourself in a situation where there is "no way out" except to complete the task. For example, turning off cellphone notifications while working or announcing a task plan to a friend to maintain a commitment to completing the task.
The speakers at AMOR are: Nur Ainun Daulay, Riabela Sembiring, and Shinta Marwah Azizah.