In July 2018, all CPI cities in Sumatera Utara experienced inflation, namely Sibolga of 0.62 percent; Pematangsiantar of 0.35 percent; Medan by 0.49 percent; and Padangsidangkan by 0.53 percent. Thus, North Sumatra in July 2018 experienced inflation of 0.48 percent.
In July 2017, inflation stood at 0.49 percent or an increase in index from 136.47 in June 2018 to 137.14 in July 2018. Inflation was due to an increase in prices as indicated by the rise in the index of six expenditure groups, foodstuffs of 1.93 percent; finished food, beverages, cigarette and tobacco by 0.11 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.06 percent; clothing group by 0.20 percent; health group by 0.06 percent; and the education, recreation and sports group by 0.86 percent. Meanwhile, transportation, communication and financial services group experienced an index decline of 0.37 percent.
The main commodity contributing to inflation during July 2018 in Medan, among others chicken meat, red chili, rice, gasoline, spinach, junior high school, and dencis.
Out of 23 CPI cities in Sumatera Island 18 cities experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Bengkulu at 0.87 percent with CPI of 144.55 and the lowest occurring in Banda Aceh by 0.08 percent with CPI of 126.93.