December 2019, Medan Deflation of 0.28 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Utara Province

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December 2019, Medan Deflation of 0.28 Percent

Release Date : January 2, 2020
File Size : 0.38 MB


• In December 2019, two CPI cities in Sumatera Utara were deflation, namely Medan by 0.28 percent and Padangsidimpuan by 0.13 percent, while the other two cities were inflation namely, Sibolga by 0.51 percent; and Pematangsiantar by 0.34 percent. Thus, the combined 4 CPI cities in Sumatera Utara in December 2019 were deflation of 0.19 percent.
• In December 2019, Medan deflation was 0.28 percent or the index decreased from 142.29 in November 2019 to 141.89 in December 2019. Deflation occurred due to a price decline as indicated by the decline in the index of four expenditure groups, namely the material group food by 1.57 percent; clothing group by 0,45 percent; health group of 0.12 percent; and the education, recreation and sports group by 0.01 percent. The group that showed an increase in index, namely the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group by 0.23 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.04 percent; and transportation, communication and financial services by 0.48 percent.
• The main contributors to deflation during December 2019 in Medan include red chili, cayenne pepper, car, mackerel / puffed fish, wine, gold jewelry, and men's cotton short shirt.
• Out of 23 CPI cities on Sumatra Island, 17 cities recorded inflation. The highest inflation in Batam was 1.28 percent with CPI of 139.73 and the lowest in Padang and Dumai was 0.07 percent with CPI of 142.17 and 138.05 respectively.
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