June 5, 2023 | Other Activities
Medan, 5 June 2023. In the context of holding the North Sumatra Fair (PRSU) which will be held on 16 June-17 July 2023, BPS representatives for North Sumatra Province attended a preparatory meeting which was held at the Office of the Governor of North Sumatra Province at 09.00 WIB. This meeting aims to prepare superior material for each agency that will be displayed by the PRSU. The most recent flagship program from BPS is related to the 2023 Agricultural Census, independent data service and statistics corner. Materials can be in the form of flyers, digital data on computers and employee services at the PRSU stand.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Statistics of Sumatera Utara Province)
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