December 20, 2023 | Other Activities
Medan 20 December 2023, In order to optimize the Dissemination of the Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census and Development of Sectoral Statistics, BPS North Sumatra Province held a Dissemination of Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census and Development of Sectoral Statistics at the Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotel and Convention for 2 effective days, namely on 20-21 December 2023. The event was opened by Mr Nurul Hasanudin as Head of BPS North Sumatra Province.
In this event there are several important agendas, namely the socialization of the ST2023 Results which are available in the form of publications, booklets, leaflets and infographics available on the website. Apart from that, in order to improve statistical development in North Sumatra Province, Sectoral Statistics Development was also carried out which was attended by 138 representatives from OPDs at the North Sumatra Province level.
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